

To Our Online Home!

We are a multicultural, multi generational, multi socioeconomic church in Brea, that goes beyond the walls to be and share the light of Jesus Christ! Welcome to our online home. Here you can watch past services, see what is happening at Harvest, and connect to our life giving services!



Out of 3.2 million residents in Orange County only 8% claim they belong to a church.



4800 + people are homeless in Orange County.



Approximately 80% of sex traffic victims and traffickers come to Orange County from across the state and nation.



We believe 100% that the church is able to make a significant impact in these atrocities, and for this reason, we exist.


Tanya Valery

Harvest International Church (HIC) has been a place of hope, restoration, healing, and where unconditional love abounds for me and my family. It is truly a family of believers growing together, building together and encouraging each other to soar in the thing God has called them to do and be. It is a place where everyone is accepted regardless of their socioeconomic standing in the community. All are welcomed. The pastors have a unique anointing and a love for people that can only come from an Almighty God. They help us to reach for the dreams God has placed within us and to love, encourage, and forgive each other through life’s journey. Visit HIC and you will experience the love of God, the presence of God, and the power of God in the worship, in the message, and in the people.

Krisante & Shoba Gunewarden

We are thankful for Harvest International Church for giving us the spiritual encouragement we needed to embrace our purpose, business and callings. We have learned from the teaching to pursue the kingdom in all that we do.

Teri McAdoo

The Lord led me to Harvest International Church about a year ago…I knew when I walked through the doors that this would be my home church and that I would help grow Harvest International Church. I have been a born again Christian for many years, but was not fed in a way that Pastor Torrian teaches. I have learned so much about living the Christian life according to God’s word and the benefits that come along with being obedient to God’s word. Following the biblical principles and knowing what God has for my life has been a complete eye-opener and a blessing.

Eric Rebrovich

Since I have been coming to Harvest International Church so much has happened to me.  I have joined the prayer team at church.  Most recent was I got my heavenly prayer language.  I thank God for the kingdom family I have and feel extremely blessed.  Since I have been tithing my income has tripled and the favor has been extraordinary.  I praise God each and every day for the gift of eternal life. Can’t wait to get to know Him more.

Robert San Luis

Pastor Torrian Scott is an amazing spiritual leader and source of inspiration to many who seek fulfilling spiritual nourishment. He knows how to share the Word of God with depth, understanding and intensity. I am truly blessed to have him in my life and I encourage all who desire a wonder place to call home, to experience the Harvest International Church and revel in the love and kindness that you will find there.

Vanessa Avendano

I have been going to Harvest International Church for a little over a year now. Since I have been coming to HIC, I have seen a growth in my kids and myself. My relationship with God is stronger. I felt my time at the last church I attended was up and I needed a new path and that’s when God lead me HIC. I know God has a purpose for me in this world. I feel closer to that purpose.

Valarie Kimble

Since I have been a member of HIC, my faith-walk with God has grown beyond what I could have ever imagined. I transitioned from a full-time job to a business owner where by just working part-time, I make double what I made full-time. My house was in damage of being lost and through much prayer and fasting, I was able to maintain my house with added benefits. Lastly, I didn’t have reliable transportation, then God opened a door for me to obtain a car that suits my needs and beyond.  The ministry of HIC has allowed me to soar in all areas of my life through hearing an “on time” word from my Pastor s Torrian and Nova Scott.

Russ & Claudia Carr

We are blessed to be a part of HIC. Pastors Torrian and Nova did our premarital counseling, which equipped our family with the tools and understanding of the importance of keeping God first. We are so thankful that they have been there for us through very important times in our lives; from marriage to sickness, and the birth of our baby boy. HIC is really MORE than a church, they are our FAMILY!

Tiffany Brooks

Last year I googled “How to believe in God” because I had done life without God for 35 years and that wasn’t working. There were times when I didn’t believe in God and times where I allowed myself to believe in Him just to blame Him for my circumstance. Well, even through that, God was loving me and waiting for me to just to take that one step towards Him so He could show me how amazing He is. He came for me in the form a close friend inviting me to church on Sunday. From the moment I stepped into Harvest International Church, not only did I feel the power of God, but I also felt the genuine love of everyone there. For the first time I heard that I had a purpose and not only was it God’s desire for me to know that purpose, but for me to live it out all for His glory. Harvest International Church has brought the real character of God into my life and I am forever changed!

Happenings @ Harvest

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