Sunday, September 15th is #NationalBackToChurch Sunday. Its a time for all of us to reconnect to our God and reignite our faith! After a pretty up and down year, full of tragedy and triumph, its a good time for us to get back to center and place God back in the focal point of our lives.
Against misguided opinion, God is NOT mad at you. He loves you beyond failures, faults, and frustrations that life can bring. He is patiently waiting on you to return to your first love. He is waiting with arms wide open, and wants to express His full acceptance for where you are, and His desire to lead you to the life of grace He has planned for you! Your story is not over yet.
I want to invite you to our church, no matter your background, color, generation, or status. At Harvest you will find friendly faces, a welcoming environment, intimate worship, and a relevant word to keep you motivated through the week! Harvest is a place for all people. So come as you are and join us Sunday, September 15th at 10am. There will be free donuts, muffins, juice, and coffee to refresh your morning.
We also have nursery for little ones and Kids Church for ages 3-5th Grade!!
We would love to see you here at Harvest!!!
If you’ll be there, RSVP on our Facebook Event by clicking here.
Also, grab anyone of the graphics below to invite a friend via text or social media!!!

Harvest International is a multicultural, multi generational, multi socioeconomic church in Brea that goes beyond the walls to be and share the light of Jesus Christ! You can find your church home with us! We’re fed by strong leaders nested in the word of God and we have a unique bond amongst our congregation that makes us all feel just like family. You’re always welcome to join us!
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