September Devotional Schedule

Harvest International Brea

19 Posts Published


September 2, 2024


Paul’s letter to the Colossians is very special to me. It was God’s inspiration to me, during my personal retreat as I was being prepared to go into full-time ministry. It is a comprehensive revelation of the person of Christ, the significance of His life, His crucifixion and exaltation. It is amazing the passion with which Paul bears it, conveys its truth to us and seeks to guard it against other deceptive teachings. It is relevant to us individually and corporately within the Church, within marriage, family life and work-

The prophet Malachi is just as passionate. The vision he bears seems to be falling on deaf ears, but the Lord still encourages him to hold fast to His truths. The Lord analyses and rebukes the people for their waywardness and warns them to align themselves to God’s instructions from Heaven. He challenges them to fulfill the life-style of God’s word, for fathers and children to be faithful to the call of God on their lives. After all, the home is the womb of the Nation.

We close this month’s schedule with the power of praise and worship exhibited by King David which introduces the theme for next month. Although some of the passages are a bit longer than usual, others are relatively short.

To get the FULL benefit from this devotional, be sure to download the Devotional Approach To Building Your Relationship With God to ensure that your time with God is as thorough as possible! Use it as a daily guide to navigate you through your devotional process with God!!!

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