The prophetic messages of the O.T. kept alive the hopes of a nation-people always looking for their Messiah. This month introduces us to the new covenant established by Christ amongst a people who would become His Kingdom Citizens trained and released to disciple nations and evangelize peoples.
As we tackle this month’s readings let us focus on the significance of the Kingdom as applied to our own life. Mark’s account was the first written, presenting the Messiah as the Suffering Servant who establishes the Kingdom within the heart of man and expelling evil spirits from among the people.
Matthew wrote primarily to a Jewish audience revealing the Messiah as the fulfilment of the O.T promises. He presents Christ interpreting the Law from a spiritual perspective, challenging the people to a new life-style of righteousness adhering to the culture of the Kingdom of God.
The Lukan narrative written after much research, is addressed to the non-Jewish community. He recounts the supernatural birth of Christ and His disciplined upbringing under the care of His parents.
This devotional exercise is for your own personal self-assessment, self-effacement, self-affirmation, self-determination, and Kingdom application. As you meditate on the word, seek to apply it personally and practically to your daily life and to your vocational pursuits and ministerial witness. Keep your Journal and share your reflections and testimony with others.
To get the FULL benefit from this devotional, be sure to download the Devotional Approach To Building Your Relationship With God to ensure that your time with God is as thorough as possible! Use it as a daily guide to navigate you through your devotional process with God!!!

Prepared by
Bishop CB Peter Morgan
(August 1st – September 3rd, 2022)

Harvest International is a multicultural, multi generational, multi socioeconomic church in Brea that goes beyond the walls to be and share the light of Jesus Christ! You can find your church home with us! We’re fed by strong leaders nested in the word of God and we have a unique bond amongst our congregation that makes us all feel just like family. You’re always welcome to join us!
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