The Book of Proverbs is power packed with wise practical sayings. It calls us to live in righteousness before God, and to walk with steadfast faith and devotion to the wisdom which comes from Him. It warns us against compromising with the values of the world. Our faith in God determines our sense of security, prosperity and general life-style. It affects our family and social relationships. It is a call to a disciplined commitment to truth and to the law-word of God rather than giving way to the deceptive ways of the ungodly.

To get the FULL benefit from this devotional, be sure to download the Devotional Approach To Building Your Relationship With God to ensure that your time with God is as thorough as possible! Use it as a daily guide to navigate you through your devotional process with God!!!

Harvest International is a multicultural, multi generational, multi socioeconomic church in Brea that goes beyond the walls to be and share the light of Jesus Christ! You can find your church home with us! We’re fed by strong leaders nested in the word of God and we have a unique bond amongst our congregation that makes us all feel just like family. You’re always welcome to join us!
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