Our October 2019 Devotional

Harvest International Brea

19 Posts Published


October 7, 2019


The teachings and instructions of Proverbs demanded of us a disciplined obedience and commitment to the Lord. It is the kind of disciplined obedience Jesus had to His Father which made Him effective in His Ministry. He exercised such authority and power that it was said of Him they found no fault in Him. But I am sure you have discovered that it takes more than personal grit and determination to keep the law and to triumph over sin.

In this month the Letter to the Hebrews will reveal both the earthly and the divine nature of Jesus which provide for us the power and enabling to obey the law and follow principles of God’s word.  He is the High Priest of our confession. He presents to us a better covenant and makes intercession for us before the Father. He is greater than the Prophets of the OT and of the angels in Heaven for He is the Living Word. He is greater than the Aaronic Priests for He was Himself the sacrificial Lamb who not only atoned for our sins, but redeemed us once and for all.  He takes us on a journey from the earthly Mt of Sinai to the Heavenly Mt of Zion the City of God. He sits on the Throne as the Lion and the Lamb in charge of the Heavenly Council of God.  He gives us faith and confidence to enter into the throne room to join with the angels in worship and to receive His word for our dominion mandate on earth.

This devotional exercise is designed to guide you through a personal experience of self assessment, self effacement and self affirmation.  View the full daily calendar by clicking here and keep a personal journal of your daily reflections which you may share with others as the opportunity presents itself.


Prepared by CB Peter Morgan


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