We have seen in the Gospel of Mark, the author introduced Jesus as the Son of God. Yet Jesus consistently referred to Himself as “the Son of Man” as we are. In fact, He silenced the evil spirits from revealing who He was, the “Son of God”. He wanted us to see that all He was able to do in the natural as a “Son of Man”, we too can do. But in order for us to live in the potential of the supernatural as He did, we need as “sons of Adam” to become “Sons of God”. As you continue to read through the first part of Mark, it is important to receive the Kingdom message and to live the Kingdom lifestyle. Life in the Kingdom is dynamic. It is sacrificial, but it is exponential; it is subtle, but it is unstoppable.
Jesus lived a disciplined life fulfilling the righteousness of the law. He was obedient to the Word of God, and being subject to His parents and to His mentors. Now, let us shift back to the Old Testament and learn from the wise words of Solomon who instructs us in the practical lifestyle of disciplined obedience to the instructions of our parents and our mentors. Let us learn from the fathers in the faith how to live the Kingdom life-style as Jesus did.
This devotional exercise is designed to guide you through a personal experience of self-assessment, self-effacement and self-affirmation. It is a call to a life of disciplined obedience to His Word. Concentrate on selected verses as you read the scheduled section for each day. Then meditate on their significance to your faith, and the importance of applying it personally and practically to your daily life. Perhaps the Lord will choose to use you as a mighty prophet, a wise prince or a dedicated priest among your people.
Keep a personal journal of your daily reflections which you may share with others as the opportunity presents itself.
Here’s the complete September 2019 devotional reading schedule for daily growth and communion with The Lord. It provides an excellent way to start each day with thanksgiving and praise, including a Saturday review session, how to spend 50 minutes alone with God and praise songs for daily rendition. Below, you’ll find our scripture calendar for the month.
Prepared by CB Peter Morgan 01.02.18

Harvest International is a multicultural, multi generational, multi socioeconomic church in Brea that goes beyond the walls to be and share the light of Jesus Christ! You can find your church home with us! We’re fed by strong leaders nested in the word of God and we have a unique bond amongst our congregation that makes us all feel just like family. You’re always welcome to join us!
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