Our January 2020 Devotional

Harvest International Brea

19 Posts Published


January 1, 2020


My Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This past year has certainly been one of tremendous blessing in so many ways. But there is no doubt that one of the featured blessings for me as it was for some of you was this Devotional Exercise in which we are engaged. I know it took much discipline and determination. But many of you stuck with it and those who wrote to me regularly from your Saturday Review expressed your thoughts, ideas and testimonies of growth and development.

As I have myself indicated to you, our sharing with each other was a source of tremendous inspiration and insight for me. Thanks for stretching me. It has enlarged my boundaries.

This coming year will be one of even greater challenge. I have expressed my conviction that 2020 is “The Year of The Nation”. This means applying ourselves very purposefully toward growth in our families, among our friends, workplace and community. At the end of the year you should be able to measure your impact in ways which will bless others, transform your “world” and especially seek to impact your people-environment.

Hence, I have prepared a special set of devotionals along the theme of The NATION for the entire year. I know that for some this may be large and beyond your immediate reach. But I do not expect you to achieve your goal within one year, nor to be effective on your own. But let us turn our attention beyond self to others and to the environment and to some occupational institution in which we work.

Let’s go for it together. Love and Blessings for the New Year!

View the full January daily calendar by clicking here.


Prepared by CB Peter Morgan

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